Thursday, August 22, 2013

Fuel consumption check

Haven't posted in a while. I'm still alive, just ran out of cash and enjoying the summer weather. Anyways, the issues with Fiametta are cosmetic, so makes more sense to just keep riding while the weather is nice.

Just another fuel consumption check at the moment. Just did 186.7km on 5.54L of fuel = 2.967L/100km = 79.28 US miles/gal.

One thing that I've been thinking about lately, is how many km does this Vespa go on 1L of 2T oil? I'm waiting and waiting and waiting for the thing to get low on oil. If I recall correctly, it should burn only 2% oil, so target would be 1L oil per 50L of fuel. 50L/3*100=1666.67km per L of oil. I filled up the oil when I first got the scooter, then topped if off later finishing the bottle. So it makes sense that it's low, but man I'm nervous about running the thing without oil. Of course is a little window gauge that shows there is still oil. When I pull off the cap and look into the tank I can still see oil. Should start getting low soon...